The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) fasting starts on 11 January – 20 April 2025. The theme is The Landmark Year. This shall be our testimony in Jesus’ name.
The RCCG Fast 2025 daily fast is for 100 days. However, for the continuous fast (marathon fast), see the options below:
- 14 days covering 28 days of the 100 days
- 21 days covering 63 days of the 100 days
- 30 days covering the 100 days

Note: Scroll down to check the previous days of the RCCG fasting and prayer points guide 2025.
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 77 – March 28, 2025
TEXT(s) Psalm 24:3-5, 42:1-2, 121:1-2, Matthew 5:6
INTRODUCTION: There is the Hill of the Lord that the righteous can access.
It is not just for anybody not even any Christian. It is a place of dominion and utmost manifestations of God’s glory. We should all desire to have this mountain-top experience for our ultimate victory
Prayer Points:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psalm 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, help me ascend to a dwelling place, in seeking Your power and glory in Jesus name. Psalm 24:3-5
- Father, purify my heart and hands, that I may ascend to Your holy hills in Jesus name. Psalm 24:3-4
- Father, help me to cleanse myself from sin and impurity, that I may stand before You holy and blameless in Jesus name. 2 Corinthians 7:1
- Father, grant me righteousness, that I may ascend to Your hills and dwell in Your presence in Jesus name. Psalm 24:3-5
- Father, help me to live a life of righteousness, reflecting Your character and glory in Jesus name. Matthew 5:6
- Father, guide me on the path to Your hills, leading me through the valleys and mountains of life in Jesus name. Psalm 23:4
- Father, grant me wisdom to discern Your will, and courage to follow Your guidance in Jesus name. Proverbs 3:5-6
- Father, give me strength to ascend to Your hills, overcoming obstacles and challenges in Jesus name. Psalm 28:7
- Father, help me to rely on Your strength, trusting in Your power and might in Jesus name. Psalm 121:1-2
- Father, draw me into deeper intimacy with You, as I ascend to Your hills in Jesus’ name. Psalm 42:1-2
- Father, help me to cultivate a heart that longs for You, and a spirit that seeks Your presence in Jesus name. Psalm 63:1-2
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You whole heartedly this year, in Jesus’ name Psalm 63:7-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 76 – March 27, 2025
TEXT(s) Proverbs 4:18, Psalm 119:105, Matthew 5:16, Hebrews 12:1-2
INTRODUCTION: The Just are the justified, saved by grace. The path of the just is graced with favour, mercy and goodness that shines as light for all to see and for God’s glory
Prayer points:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psalm 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, lead me on the path of the just, guiding me in Your righteousness in Jesus name. Proverbs 4:18
- Father, grant me wisdom to discern Your path and give me courage to follow it wholeheartedly in Jesus name. Psalm 119:105
- Father, help me to walk in righteousness, reflecting Your character and glory in Jesus name. Proverbs 4:18
- Father, grant me a heart that desires righteousness, and a spirit that pursues holiness in Jesus name. Matthew 5:6
- Father, shine Your light on my path, illuminating the way of righteousness in Jesus name. Psalm 119:105
- Father, help me to walk in the light of Your Word, avoiding the darkness of sin in Jesus name. 1 John 1:7
- Father, grant me protection from the evil one, and keep me safe in Your loving care in Jesus name. 2 Thessalonians 3:3
- Father, help me to always follow the path of the just, growing in faith and righteousness in Jesus name. Proverbs 4:18
- Father, grant me the ability to persevere on the path of righteousness, even in the face of challenges in Jesus name. Hebrews 12:1-2
- Father, purify my heart and mind, that I may walk on the path of the just with integrity in Jesus’ name. Psalm 51:10
- Father, help me to maintain a pure heart, reflecting Your holiness and righteousness in Jesus name. Matthew 5:8
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You whole heartedly this year, in Jesus’ name Psalm 63:7-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 75 – March 26, 2025
TEXT(s) Phil 2:5-9, 1 Cor 10:24, Luk 22:42
INTRODUCTION: Having the mind of Christ is the embodiment of all Christian virtues (Fruit of the Spirit). Jesus is our perfect example in our prayerful pursuit of good character formation.
Prayer Point:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, help me to have the mind of Christ, humble myself and value others in Jesus’ name. Phil 2:5-9
- Father, grant me a humble heart, willing to serve and prioritize others’ needs in Jesus’ name. Mat 20:26-28
- Father, give me the mind of Christ, obeying Your will and surrendering to Your plans in Jesus name. Phil 2:8
- Father, help me to obey Your commands, even when it’s difficult or costly in Jesus name. Joh 14:15
- Father, help me to have the mind of Christ, prioritizing others’ interests and needs in Jesus name. Phil 2:4
- Father, grant me a selfless spirit, willing to sacrifice for the sake of others in Jesus name. 1 Cor 10:24
- Father, help me to surrender my will to Yours, having the mind of Christ in Jesus name. Luk 22:42
- Father, grant me the ability to let go of my own desires, trusting in Your sovereignty in Jesus name. Pro 3:5-6
- Father, give me the wisdom of Christ, discerning Your will and living accordingly in Jesus name. 1 Cor 1:30
- Father, help me to apply Your wisdom to my life, making decisions that honor You in Jesus name. Jam 1:5
- Father, help me to have the mind of Christ, promoting unity and harmony with others in Jesus name. Phil 2:2
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You whole heartedly this year, in Jesus’ name Psa 63:7-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 74 – March 25, 2025
TEXT(s) Mat 13::44, 6:19-20, Heb 12:1-2, 14, Col 3:1-2,
INTRODUCTION: The vision of RCCG is “To make Heaven” The subject of making heaven is so crucial that “Heaven” was the theme for the 2024 Annual Convention. Christianity without aiming at Heaven is useless.
Prayer Points:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, help me keep heaven as my ultimate goal, prioritizing eternal things in Jesus name. Mat 13:44
- Father, grant me a heavenly perspective in all things, able to view life’s achievements and challenges through the lens of eternity in Jesus name. Col 3:1-2
- Father, help me store up treasures in heaven, investing in eternal riches in Jesus name. Mat 6:19-20
- Father, grant me a heart that values spiritual treasure, seeking first Your kingdom in Jesus name. Mat 6:33
- Father, help me prioritize Your kingdom, seeking to advance Your will on earth in Jesus name. Mat 6:10
- Father, grant me wisdom to discern kingdom opportunities, using my resources for eternal impact in Jesus name. Mat 25:14-30
- Father, give me perseverance to press on towards heaven, despite life’s challenges in Jesus name. Heb 12:1-2
- Father, help me to endure hardship, knowing that heaven’s reward is worth the struggle in Jesus name. 2 Tim 2:3-4
- Father, grant me faithfulness to serve You, using my gifts and talents for Your glory in Jesus name. Mat 25:21
- Father, help me to be faithful in the little things, trusting that You will reward my efforts in Jesus name. Luk 16:10
- Father, create in me a deep longing for heaven, a desire to be with You forever in Jesus name. Psa 42:1-2
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You whole heartedly this year, in Jesus’ name Psa 63:7-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 73 – March 24, 2025
TEXT(s) Psa 118:17, 1 Cor, 15:55-57, Psa 121:7-8, Rom 5:5
INTRODUCTION: As we journey through 2025, let us come against the spirit of death in our domain. That is; our family, our churches and our community.
Prayer Points:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, thank You for the gift of eternal life, I shall not die but live to declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living in Jesus name. Psa 118:17
- Father, help me to live with the assurance of eternal life, free from fear of death in Jesus name. 1 Cor 15:55-57
- Father, give me spiritual life, that I may live for You and not die in sin in Jesus name. Joh 3:16
- Father, help me to walk in the Spirit, living a life that honors You in Jesus name. Gal 5:25
- Father, protect me from harm, that I may not die prematurely in Jesus name. Psa 121:7-8
- Father, help me to trust in Your protection, knowing You are my refuge and strength in Jesus name. Psa 91:2-4
- Father, heal me from sickness and disease, that I may not die but live for Your glory in Jesus name. Psa 103:2-3
- Father, help me to trust in Your healing power, knowing You are my Great Physician in Jesus name. Mat 9:35
- Father, give me strength to overcome life’s challenges, that I may not die in despair in Jesus name. Psa 28:7
- Father, help me to rely on Your strength, knowing You are my Rock and Redeemer in Jesus name. Psa 19:14
- Father, give me hope in the midst of trials, that I may not die in discouragement in Jesus name. Rom 5:5
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You wholeheartedly this year, in Jesus’ name Psa 63:7-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 72 – March 23, 2025
FAITHFUL GIVING (Tithe, 1st Fruit Offering)
TEXT(s) Mal 3:8-12, 2 Cor 9:6-7, 25:14-30, 1 Tim 6:6-10
INTRODUCTION: Giving back to God from the abundance of what He has given us is the secret of a fruitful and prosperous Christian life. God is not a debtor to any man, our giving is an opportunity to demonstrate our shared love upon which we receive beyond our imagination
Prayer Points:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, help me to faithfully tithe and give to Your kingdom, trusting in Your promise to bless me in Jesus name. Mal 3:10
- Father, grant me a generous heart, willing to give freely to support Your work in Jesus name. 2 Cor 9:6-7
- Father, bless me financially, open windows of heaven as I tithe, give offerings, first fruits and sow kingdom seeds in Jesus name. Mal 3:10
- Father, help me to manage my finances wisely, to always honour You with my resources in Jesus name. Mat 25:14-30
- Father, use my tithes and offerings to advance Your kingdom and to bring spiritual growth to RCCG in Jesus name. Mat 6:33
- Father, grant me deeper understanding of the importance of giving, and a heart that is eager to support Your work in Jesus’ name. 2 Cor 9:6-7
- Father, protect me from financial hardship and lack, as I faithfully tithe and give to Your kingdom in Jesus name. Mal 3:11
- Father, help me trust in Your provision, and to resist the temptation to worry about my finances in Jesus name. Mat 6:25-34
- Father, pour out Your abundance on me, as I tithe and give to Your kingdom, and use my resources to bless others in Jesus name. Mal 3:10
- Father, use my tithes, first fruit, and offerings to make a lasting impact in advancing the Kingdom in Jesus’ name. Mat 6:33
- Father, help me invest my resources in things of eternal value in Jesus’ name. 1 Cor 3:10-15
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You wholeheartedly this year, in Jesus’ name Psa 63:7-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 71 – March 22, 2025
BIBLE TEXT: Jer 1:4-12, Eph. 2:10
INTRODUCTION: Everyone born of God, they are for a glorious destiny. Destiny can be destroyed, truncated, exchanged, stolen, diverted, or buried by evil forces, due to sin, but the good news is that it can be restored through quality repentance and prayers.
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; all the mercies and blessings and our hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, have mercy on me and forgive all my sins of disobedience and Lukewarmness in Jesus name
- Father, please restore unto every one who has last the joy of salvation in the name of Jesus. Psa.51:12
- Father, arise and destroy every evil force assigned to waste and destroy my destiny and the destinies of my family in Jesus’ name.
- Father, devour the devourers of my destiny and the destiny of your church in the name of Jesus. Jer.30:16-17
- Father, empower me to overcome every temptation that will hinder me from fulfilling my destiny in Jesus’ name. Gen. 35:22, 49:3-4
- Father, I command by the power of resurrection; every buried destiny in my family to come alive in Jesus’ name, Eze. 37:12-14.
- Father, you enabled Esther, Joseph, and Levi to fulfill their destinies, please help me to fulfil my destiny in the name of Jesus.
- Father, in your power, shake the heaven and come down for the help of my destiny in Jesus’ name. Hag 2:21
- Father, let that your very purpose for my life be accomplished in Jesus name
- Father, arise and contend with every enemy of my destiny in Jesus name. Psa.35:1
- Father, let my star come out of obscurity and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon me in Jesus’ name.
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You wholeheartedly this year, in Jesus’ name Psa 63:7-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 70 – March 21, 2025
Text(s) John 9:25, 1 Pet 3:15, Act 4:29, Mat 23:28, Joh 15:8
INTRODUCTION: During the 2024l Congress and daily on the Prayerrain platform, there were records of landmark testimonies. Those testimonies shared, have inspired the discouraged and give hope to the hopeless. May we continue to experience more harvest of such great wonders in all our programmes in Jesus’ name
Prayer Points:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psal 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, thank You for great testimonies shared during 2024 Holy Ghost Congress, Prayer rain platform and other RCCG programmes.
- Father, help me to share my testimony in a way that convinces unbelievers of Your power and love in Jesus name. Joh 9:25
- Father, grant me the grace to communicate my faith clearly and compellingly to bless others in Jesus name. 1 Pet 3:15
- Father, give me the boldness to share my testimony with others, even in the face of opposition or ridicule in Jesus’ name. Act 4:29
- Father, help me to be fearless in proclaiming Your gospel and sharing my testimony in Jesus name. 2 Tim 1:7
- Father, help me to share my testimony genuinely and authentically, without pretence or hypocrisy in Jesus’ name. Mat 23:28
- Father, grant me the grace to be transparent and honest in sharing my faith journey to others in Jesus name. 2 Cor 4:2
- Father, bless my testimony and use it to bring others and growth to Your kingdom in Jesus name. Joh 15:8
- Father, help me to be a fruitful witness for You, leading others to know and follow You in Jesus name. Mat 28:19-20
- Father, empower me with Your Spirit to share my testimony and make a lasting impact on others in Jesus name.” Act 1:8
- Father, provide me with opportunities to share my testimony with others, that they may come to know You in Jesus name. Col 4:3
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You wholeheartedly this year, in Jesus’ name Psa 63:7-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 69 – March 20, 2025
TEXT(s) Jer 29:11, Rom 12:2, 1 Heb 5:14, Cor 2:16
INTRODUCTION: God thinks. He has thoughts for His children, thoughts of good and not evil. Oftentimes we are worried if God cares for us at all, in our ugly situations. Knowing the mind of God will give rest to our troubled soul in distress even when it seems God is silent.
Prayer Points:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and for my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, thank You for the thoughts You have for me. The thoughts of a glorious destiny in Jesus name. Jer 29:11
- Father, reveal Your plan and purpose for my life, that I may know Your mind and follow Your will in Jesus name. Jer 29:11
- Father, grant me wisdom to understand Your sovereignty, trusting in Your goodness and provision in Jesus name. Rom 11:33-36
- Father, give me discernment to know Your mind, distinguishing between good and evil, right and wrong in Jesus name. Heb 5:14
- Father, help me to test and accept Your will, and to align in my thoughts and actions in Jesus name. Rom 12:2
- Father, grant me wisdom to know Your mind, seeking to understand Your ways and thoughts in Jesus name. 1 Cor 2:16
- Father, help me to apply Your wisdom to my life, making decisions that honor and align with Your will in Jesus name. Jam 1:5
- Father, draw me into deeper intimacy with You, that I may know Your mind and heart in Jesus name. Psa 139:1-4
- Father, grant me a heart that seeks to know You, desiring to understand Your thoughts and ways in Jesus name. Jer 9:23-24
- Father, help me to be obedient, knowing that Your commandments are there to prosper me and give me hope in Jesus name. Jer 29:11
- Father, grant me the ability to rest in Your sovereignty, trusting that Your plans are always the best in Jesus name. Psa 46:10
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You whole heartedly this year, in Jesus’ name Psa 63:7-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 68 – March 19, 2025
TEXT(s) Psalm 42:1-2, Phil 3:10, Psa 51:10-12, 130:5-6
INTRODUCTION: When we hunger and thirst for God, we shall be filled. One of the ways of demonstrating our love for God is through prayers in righteousness. Today the Lord will satisfy every longing soul as we pray in Jesus’ name
Prayer Points:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, create in me a deep thirst for You, panting after Your presence always in Jesus name. Psa 42:1-2
- Father, grant me a hunger for Your Word, always seeking an avenue to satisfy my spiritual thirst in Jesus name. Mat 5:6
- Father, draw me into deeper intimacy with You, longing to experience Your presence in Jesus name. Psa 42:1-2
- Father, help me to cultivate a heart that yearns for You, seeking to know You more in Jesus name. Phil 3:10
- Father, revive my spirit man, to pant after Your presence and power in Jesus name. Psa 42:1-2
- Father, grant me a fresh anointing of Your Spirit, stirring my heart to seek You in Jesus name. Psa 51:10-12
- Father, guide me as I pant after You, leading me on the path of righteousness in Jesus name. Psa 42:1-2
- Father, help me to discern Your voice, following only Your guidance and direction in Jesus name. Joh 10:27
- Father, give me hope as I pant after You, trusting in Your goodness and faithfulness in Jesus name. Psa 42:1-2
- Father, grant me the grace to wait on You to the end, hoping in Your promises and presence in Jesus name. Psa 130:5-6
- Father, create in me a deep longing for Your presence, panting after You in Jesus name. Psa 42:1-2
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You wholeheartedly this year, in Jesus’ name Psa 63:7-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 67 – March 18, 2025
TEXT(s) Exo 8:1,14:13-14, Rom 8:1-2, Psa 77:14, 91:2-4
INTRODUCTION: When we don’t know the purpose of a thing, abuse is inevitable. For as many of us saved by grace, not by ourselves must be conscious that there is a purpose so that we do not abuse or frustrate the grace. God saved the Israelites so that they may serve Him. We are also saved for kingdom service.
Prayer Points:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, intervene in my life situations; deliver me from the bondage of forces of darkness and oppression in Jesus name. Exo 8:1
- Father, grant me freedom from the bondage of sin and fear, that I may serve You fully in Jesus name. Rom 8:1-2
- Father, display Your power and glory through divine intervention, that all may see Your majesty in my life in Jesus name. Exo 8:1
- Father, help me trust in Your ability at all times, knowing, You are the same God who parted the Red Sea in Jesus’ name. Exo 14:13-14
- Father, provide miraculous help in my time of need and intervene on my behalf and family in Jesus’ name. Exo 8:1
- Father, grant me the grace to recognize and covet Your intervention in the affairs of my life and family in Jesus’ name. Psa 77:14
- Father, protect me from harm and danger, intervening to shield me, my family and brethren from evil in Jesus name. Exo 8:1
- Father, help me to trust in Your protection, knowing that You are my Rock and Refuge in Jesus name.” Psa 91:2-4
- Father, guide me through divine intervention, leading me on the path of righteousness through to my destiny in Jesus’ name. Exo 8:1
- Father, this year bring revival to my home town and the body of Christ at large in Jesus’ name. Exo 8:1
- Father, make me an instrument of revival, to bring spiritual awakening to my generation in Jesus name. 2 Chr 7:14
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You wholeheartedly this year, in Jesus’ name
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 66 – March 17, 2025
TEXT(s) Matthew 16:24-26, Gal 2:20, 2 Cor 4:16-18
Introduction: As the coming of the Lord is fast approaching, what is demanded of us in this year of the Lord 2025, is total surrender of ourselves and all we have unto God in loving and serving Him from the depth of our hearts
Prayer Points:
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, help me to surrender my life to You, denying myself and taking up my cross daily in Jesus name. Mat 16:24
- Father, grant me the willingness to let go of my own desires and ambitions, and follow You wholeheartedly in Jesus name. Luk 9:23-25
- Father, teach me to deny myself, putting Your will and desires above my own in Jesus name. Mat 16:24
- Father, help me to recognize the areas of my life where I need to deny myself and grant me the strength to do so in Jesus name. Gal 2:20
- Father, help me to bear my cross, embracing the challenges and difficulties of serving You in Jesus name. Mat 16:24
- Father, grant me ability to see my trials and struggles as opportunities to grow in faith and serve You in Jesus name. Jam 1:2-4
- Father, help me to recognise that the price of serving You is worth the reward in Jesus name. Mat 16:26
- Father, let me see beyond the temporary struggles of this life, and focus on the eternal glory in Jesus name. 2 Cor 4:16-18
- Father, grant me the courage to serve You, even in the face of opposition and adversity of life in Jesus name. Mat 16:24-26
- Father, help me to be faithful in serving You, even when the cost is high in Jesus name. Mat 16:24-26
- Father, grant me the ability to persevere in serving You, and to trust that You will reward my faithfulness in Jesus name. Heb 11:6
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You wholeheartedly this year, in Jesus’ name
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 65 – March 16, 2025
BIBLE TEXT(S): Joh.3:16, 2Cor5:17.
INTRODUCTION: Salvation is the first work of grace. Salvation is the complete surrender of one’s life to our Lord Jesus Christ and the turn away from the old life of sin to a righteous life of Holiness.
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness. Psa. 103:1
- Father, thank You for ushering us triumphantly into the Landmark Year 2025 in Jesus name.
- Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; all the mercies and blessings and our hope for this new year 2025 in Jesus name. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, thank you for the salvation of my souls in Jesus name. John.3:16,
- Father, I surrender my life to you in the name of Jesus. Rom10:13
- Father, visit the foundation of my lives and family with your power of salvation in Jesus name. Psa.11:3
- Father, visit my families and let all that are not born again receive Christ into their lives in Jesus Name. John3:3-5
- Father, the grace to walk with you let it be released to me and my family afresh in Jesus name Eph.2:3
- Father, the grace to live holy, please let it be released to me and my family in Jesus name. 1Thes.5:23
- Father, in your saving grace restore all backsliders in all our parishes in RCCG worldwide in the name of Jesus. Act 2:40-41
- Father, please release the spirit of the fear of God into all Your churches all over the world- Psa. 2:11
- Father, please release the spirit of holiness into all your churches all over the world in Jesus name.
- Father, please release the spirit of obedience to the word of God into all our churches all over the world in the name of Jesus.
- Father, please release the spirit of truth into all our churches all over the world in the name of Jesus. John.14:6
- Father, in your mercy restore my lost glory in the name of Jesus. Isa. 6:1-5
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 64 – March 15, 2025
TEXT(s) Isa 45:19, Gal 6:9, 11:6, Col 3:23-24, Jer 29:11,
INTRODUCTION: There is a great reward in serving God faithfully, particularly for every diligent seeker who seeks Him in spirit and truth. Often many are discouraged when it seems they are not noted or rewarded by their leaders. In this year of landmark achievement; Let us continue in well doing, God sees, and in due season He will reward us if we faint not
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, I thank You for being my help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and my hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, ignite in me a passionate desire to love and serve You, my hope and delight in Jesus name. Isa 45:19
- Father, help me to devote myself fully to Your service, seeking Your pleasure above all other things in Jesus’ name. Col 3:23-24
- Father, reveal to me Your purpose for my life, that I may serve You with intention and direction in Jesus name. Jer 29:11
- Father, grant me a clear understanding of my role in Your kingdom, that I may serve You effectively in Jesus name. 1 Cor 12:4-6
- Father, help me to be faithful in serving You, persevering through challenges and trials in Jesus name. Mat 25:21
- Father, grant me the ability to remain steadfast in my commitment to serve You, despite obstacles and setbacks in Jesus name. 1 Cor 15:58
- Father, grant me wisdom to serve You effectively and understand the best ways to honour Your name in Jesus name. Jam 1:5
- Father, help me apply divine wisdom in my service, making decisions that align with Your will at all times in Jesus’ name. Pro 3:5-6
- Father, empower me to serve You with strength and courage, relying on Holy Spirit’s enablement always in Jesus name. Act 1:8
- Father, grant me the ability to serve You with joy and enthusiasm, being driven by Your presence and power in Jesus’ name. Psa 100:2
- Father, help me to serve You with humility, recognizing that my abilities come from You alone in Jesus’ name 1 Cor 4:7
- Father, give me all that I need to serve You wholeheartedly this year, in Jesus name
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 63 – March 14, 2025
DAY 63 BIBLE TEXT(S): 1 Joh 1:8-9 Psa. 51:1-end,
INTRODUCTION: Our God is merciful. If we say that we have no sin, we make Him a liar. Therefore as many that will confess and forsake their sins, the Lord is ready to forgive by His mercy. It is time to cry to God for mercy and forgiveness.
INTRODUCTION: Our God is merciful. If we say that we have no sin, we make Him a liar. Therefore as many that will confess and forsake their sins, the Lord is ready to forgive by His mercy. It is time to cry to God for mercy and forgiveness.
- Father, be merciful unto me and forgive all my past sins and errors in Jesus’ name. Psa.51:1.
- Father, let mercy reign over judgment in my life, in Jesus’ name. Jam.2:13
- Father have mercy on me and forgive me my iniquities, in Jesus’ name. Ps.51:1-3
- Father let your goodness and mercies follow me all the days of my life, in Jesus name. Psa 23:6
- Father, hear the voice of my plea for your mercy, in Jesus name. Psa 28:2
- Father, at every location I have lost your mercy, please Lord forgive me and restore your mercy into my life in Jesus’ name. Ps.51:12
- Father, I confess and forsake my sin, please Lord let me obtain mercy and forgiveness in Jesus name. Prov 28:13
- Father, with you there is forgiveness, forgive me Oh Lord the sins of my fathers, in Jesus name. Psa 130:4, 106:6.
- Father, mercy and forgiveness belong unto you, have mercy and forgive me my sins in Jesus’ name. Dan 9:9
- Father, because your son’s blood was shed for me, use the blood of your son to cleanse me in Jesus’ name. Heb 9:28
- Father, You are God of love and righteousness, forgive me and my family all our iniquities and show us mercy in Jesus’ name.
- Father, set me free from where judgment had tied me in Jesus’ name. Psa.130:7-8.
- Father, in the multitudes of your mercies, this year help me to obey and serve you as never before in Jesus’ name. Psa 69:16
- Father, I ask for your mercies over every error I have committed in your church and in any of our gatherings in Jesus’ name.
- Father, be merciful unto me and give me all that I need to serve You whole heartedly this year, in Jesus name
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 62 – March 13, 2025
THANKSGIVING (for new year 2025)
TEXT: Ps. 103:1-5.
INTRODUCTION: God is our help in ages past and our hope for the years to come. Let us give thanks showing gratitude to God for all the good things of life he has done for us in the past and ushering us into New Year 2025.
- Father, thank you for your goodness and mercy that I enjoy every day In Jesus’ name. Lam. 3:22-23.
- Father, thank you for the grace to witness another new year in Jesus’ name. Exo. 12:2.
- Father, thank you for the grace to escape all the snares of the fowlers in the year 2024 in Jesus’ name. Ps. 124:7.
- Father, thank you for fighting all my battles and for giving me victory over them all in the year 2024 in Jesus’ name. Isai. 37:33-36.
- Father, thank you for all your good plans for me in this year 2025 in Jesus’ name. Jer. 29:11.
- Father, thank you for your presence that will go with me wherever I go in this year 2025 in Jesus’ name. Exo. 33:14.
- Father, thank you for your presence that will make all the crooked way straight before me in Jesus’ name. Isai. 45:2
- Father, thank you for the treasures and the hidden riches of secret places you promised me in this year 2025 in Jesus’ name. Isai. 45:3.
- Father, thank you for promising to move me forward this year 2025 in Jesus name. Exo. 14:14-15
- Father, thank you for your presence that will be with me to preaching the gospel this year 2025 in Jesus name. Deut. 9:3.
- Father, thank you for pulling down walls of partitions erected against the preaching of the gospel in Jesus name. Eph. 2:14.
- Father, thank you pouring out your spirit for aggressive soul winning and evangelism upon your Church in Jesus name. Joel. 2:28.
- Father, thank you for your peace that will be the new garment of your Church this year in Jesus name. Joh.14:27.
- Father, thank you for your promises that sorrow and weeping shall be far away from my home this year in Jesus name. Rev. 21:4.
- Father, thank You; the only source of all that I needed to serve You whole heartedly this year, in Jesus name
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 61 – March 12, 2025
BIBLE TEXT: Exo 15:11, 4:31
INTRODUCTION: What the Lord is requesting from us this year 2025 is; to give Him quality worship and praises. Therefore to achieve more than expected this year we need to make worship a lifestyle. Let us give God excellent reverence as His worthy to be praised and adore.
- Father; you alone art worthy to receive our worship; there is no one else like You. The AL-MIGHTY, We Bow down and worship You in Jesus name.
- Father; your name is Higher than every other names. The I AM, We Bow down and worship Your Holy name in Jesus name.
- Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1
- Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven Mat 6:9-10
- Father, receive our worship. You are the Almighty God forever in Jesus name.
- Father, I worship you for your divine favour upon all nations of the world in Jesus name. Gen.24: 52
- Father, we worship you for prayers answered in the past in Jesus name. Exo. 4: 31
- Father, we worship you for your awesome power of deliverance release to all nations globally in Jesus name. Ex. 4: 31.
- Father, I worship you for the forgiveness of sin upon me and my family in Jesus name. 1Sam.15:25
- Father, we worship you for your great power shown and manifested in our nation in Jesus name. 2Ki 17:36
- Father, we worship you because you are the owner of our soul in Jesus name. Psa 22: 29
- Father, we worship you in the beauty of your holiness in Jesus name. Psa 29: 2
- Father, you are the God that created the heaven and the Earth, we return all glory to your name in Jesus name. Psa 45:11, 66: 4
- Father, we worship you for you are the ever-living God in Jesus name. Psa 81:9
- Father, we worship you because all gods are subjected to your name in Jesus name. Psa 97: 7