The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) fasting starts on 11 January – 20 April 2025. The theme is The Landmark Year. This shall be our testimony in Jesus’ name.
The RCCG Fast 2025 daily fast is for 100 days. However, for the continuous fast (marathon fast), see the options below:
- 14 days covering 28 days of the 100 days
- 21 days covering 63 days of the 100 days
- 30 days covering the 100 days

Note: Scroll down to check the previous days of the RCCG fasting and prayer points guide 2025.
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 34 – February 13, 2025
BIBLE TEXT(S) Psa 91:1-end
INTRODUCTION: The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. (Psa 121:3-8). Let us pray for the fulfilment of this scripture in the life of our father in the Lord and his family.
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness. Psa. 103:1.
- Father, we thank You for ushering us triumphantly into the Landmark Year 2025 in Jesus name.
- Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and our hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, we thank you for enabling your son to enter into a great covenant with you, in Jesus name. Exo 23:25
- Father, we thank you for anointing him so powerfully and making him a blessing to this generation in Jesus name.Ps.89:20.
- Father, we thank you for using him to spread the gospel through your Church, RCCG to over 187 countries in the world in Jesus name. Math.28:19-20.
- Father, we thank you for our mother in Israel- Pastor. Mrs. Folu Adeboye, for the support she is giving to the ministry of your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye in Jesus name.
- Father, we thank you for your divine protection and provision over Pastor E.A. Adeboye and his family in Jesus name.Ps.89:23
- Lord, we thank you for long life and prosperity for your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye in Jesus name.Ps.91:16
- Father, let your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye fulfil all his assignments in his life time in Jesus name. Zec 4:9
- Father, please let your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye and Pastor. Mrs. Folu Adeboye finish well and strong in Jesus name. 2Tim. 4:7
- Father, please continue to strengthen him and empower him for the task ahead in Jesus name.Isa.40:31.
- Father, never let any of your words in the mouth of your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye fall to the ground in Jesus name, 1 Sam 3:19
- Father, let your son Pastor E. A. Adeboye grow from glory to greater glory in Jesus name. Prov.4:18.
- Father, by Your mercy and faithfulness, continue to guide, empower and exalt Pastor E. A. Adeboye, not to be weary in Jesus name. Ps.89:24
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 33 – February 12, 2025
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psa. 51:1-end, Hab. 3:2
INTRODUCTION: The church’s relationship with God has been on the premise of mercy from the beginning. Forgiveness erases our sins, trespasses, iniquities, and transgressions while mercy is compassionate or kind forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one’s power. God forgives whenever we confess and repent of our sins.
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness. Psa. 103:1
- Father, we thank You for ushering us triumphantly into the Landmark Year 2025 in Jesus name.
- Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and our hope for this new year 2025 in Jesus name. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, let your goodness and mercies follow us in your church all the days of our lives, in Jesus name. Psa 23:6
- Father, hear the voice of my plea for your mercy, in Jesus name. Psa 28:2
- Father, at every location I have lost your mercy, please Lord forgive me and restore your mercy back into my life in Jesus name. Ps.51:12
- Father, I confess and forsake my sin, please Lord let me obtain mercy and forgiveness in Jesus name. Prov 28:13
- Father, with you there is forgiveness, forgive me Oh Lord the sins of my fathers, in Jesus name. Psa 130:4, 106:6.
- Father, mercy and forgiveness belong unto you, have mercy and forgive me my sins in Jesus name. Dan 9:9
- Father, because your son’s blood was shed for the church, use the blood of your son to cleanse us in Jesus name. Heb 9:28
- Father, because you are the God of love and righteousness, forgive us our iniquities and show your people mercy in Jesus name.
- Father, let your mercy be available for me and set me free from where the judgment of the enemy had tied me in Jesus name.Psa.130:7-8.
- Oh my God, in the multitudes of your mercies please let me obey and serve you as I have never done before in Jesus name. Psa 69:16
- Father, we ask for your mercies over every error we have committed in your church and our gatherings in Jesus name.
- Father please have mercy on me and forgive me my sin, in Jesus name. Rom 9:15
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 32 – February 11, 2025
BIBLE TEXT: Psa. 107:1-9.
INTRODUCTION: God showed up for RCCG in several ways in 2024 that are too numerous to count. But let us look back and thank God for the unprecedented success and glory of the “HEAVEN” Annual Convention and how He surprised us at the “Onward Christian Soldiers” 2024 HOLY GHOST Congress. The more we show appreciation the more we’ll receive from HIM.
1. Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness. Psa. 103:1
2. Father, we thank You for ushering us triumphantly into the Landmark Year 2025 in Jesus name.
3. Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings, and for our hope for this new year 2025 in Jesus name. Lam 3:22-23
4. Father, thank you for not allowing the gates of hell to prevail against the success of the 2024 Holy Ghost Congress in Jesus’ name. Math. 16:18
5. Father, thank you for your unending provisions throughout the 2024 Annual Convention and Holy Ghost Congress in Jesus’ name. Deut. 8:10.
6. Father, thank you for redeeming many lives during the 2024 Holy Ghost Congress in Jesus’ name. Psalm 103:4.
7. Father, thank you for the souls you brought out of the horrible pit and miry clay and for setting their feet upon the rock to stay in Jesus’ name. Ps. 40:2.
8. Father, thank you for fully restoring health to the sick who participated in the 2024 Holy Ghost Programmes in Jesus’ name. Jer 30:17.
9. Father, thank you for destroying the yoke of bondage in the lives of all that participated in 2024 Holy Ghost Programs in Jesus name. Jer. 33;6
10. Father, thank you for the wonderful works you performed in our lives during 2024 holy ghost congress in Jesus name. Ps. 107:8.
11. Father, thank you for the hopeless that you restored hope during the 2024 Holy Ghost congress in Jesus name. 2Sam.9:7-8.
12. Father, thank you for delivering your people from the hands of destiny killers and glory stealers during the 2024 Holy Ghost Congress in Jesus name. Gen. 30:27-28.
13. Father, thank you for not giving your Church over to the will of the enemies during 2024 Holy Ghost Congress in Jesus name. Ps. 41:2
14. Father, thank you for journey mercy that you granted to all who participated in the 2024 Holy Ghost Programs in Jesus’ name.
15. Father, thank you for the move of the Holy Spirit throughout the Holy Ghost congress in Jesus name. Luke. 5:17
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 31 – February 10, 2025
BIBLE TEXT: Lev. 22:29, Psa. 103:1-4
INTRODUCTION: Giving gratitude to God is an expression of a grateful heart. As a church, we must bless the Lord from the deepest part of our being. For His mercy, Protection, Favor, Provision, open doors, miracles, and wonders we enjoy, we must offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving to our God.
Prayer Points
1. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness. Psa. 103:1
2. Father, we thank You for ushering your church triumphantly into the Landmark Year 2025 in Jesus name.
3. Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings, and for our hope for this new year 2025 in Jesus name. Lam 3:22-23
4. Father, we thank You, for Your steadfast love, which never fails us in
Jesus’ name. Lam 3:22
5. Father, we thank You for providing for the needs of your church according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus in Jesus name. Phil 4:19
6. Father, we are grateful for Your faithfulness, that is new every morning over your church in Jesus’ name. Lam 3:23
7. Father, even in our times of trials and trouble, thank You, for all things work together for our good in Jesus name. Rom 8:28
8. Father, we thank You, for the salvation given through Jesus Christ. We offer our lives as a living sacrifice in Jesus name. Joh 3:16
9. Father, thank You, for Your peace that surpasses all understanding and which guards our hearts and minds in Jesus name. Phil 4:7
10. Father, thank You for directing our steps. We are grateful for Your wisdom and counsel in Jesus name. Pro 3:5-6
11. Father, we give thanks for Your healing power manifesting in your church in Jesus name. Isa 53:5
12. Father, thank You for forgiving our sins and washing us clean through Your grace and mercy in Jesus name. 1 Joh 1:9
13. Father, thank You, for protecting us from harm. We take refuge under Your mighty wings in Jesus name. Psa 91:1
14. Father, we are thankful for the blessing of family in your church. May we love them as You have loved us in Jesus name. 1 Pet 4:8
15. Father, we offer our thanks for the joy of Your presence that fills our hearts, homes with gladness in Jesus name. Psa 16:11
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 30 – February 9, 2025
BIBLE TEXT(S) : Act 8:5-6
INTRODUCTION: We thank God for what He is doing in many of our Towns and Villages by breaking the altars of idolatry. Many of our Kings and Chiefs are now turning unto the Living God as their source of strength and shield. However, the harvest is still very plenty, let us pray for more laborers and harvest of unreached into the Kingdom.
- Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
- Father, we thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
- Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and our hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
- Father, we pray for the salvation of our towns and villages that the Gospel of Jesus Christ may be proclaimed and many may believe. Act 8:5
- Father, poured out Your Holy Spirit upon our communities in Jesus name.
- Father, convict hearts of sin and draw people in our towns and villages to faith in Jesus Christ in Jesus name. Act 8:6
- Father, deliver our towns and villages from spiritual darkness and oppression in Jesus name
- Father, let the light of the Gospel shine in our towns and villages brightly in Jesus name. Act 8:6
- Father, raise up evangelists and missionaries to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in our communities, leading many to salvation in Jesus name. Act 8:5
- Father, we pray for a great awakening in our towns and villages that many may be saved in Jesus name. Act 8:6
- Father, protect our communities from evil and harm, that Your peace and presence may be felt by all in Jesus name. Act 8:8
- Father, give us boldness to share the Gospel with those around us, that many may hear and believe. Act 8:5
- Father, we pray for the unity of believers in our towns and villages, that we may stand together in the Gospel and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord. Act 8:6
- Father, bring hope and encouragement to those who are struggling in our communities, that they may know the love and care of Jesus Christ. Act 8:8
- Father, receive all glory and honor for the salvation and deliverance of our towns and villages in Jesus name. Act 8:5-8
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 29 – February 8, 2025
BIBLE TEXT(S) 1Ti 2:9, 1Co 6:19-20.
INTRODUCTION: God does not want his children naked, so in Genesis 3:21, He made coats of skin to clothe Adam and his wife. Indecent dressing therefore is dressing below the accepted standard. The bible standard for decent dressing is modesty. 1Ti 2:9
1. Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psa 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
2. Father, we thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
3. Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and our hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
4. Father, let the spirit of modesty and self-control be poured upon the church and nation afresh in Jesus name. 1 Tim 2:9
5. Father, grant every believer the grace to glorify you with their bodies in Jesus name. 1 Cor 6:19-20
6. Father, we close down every demonic fashion set up in the spirit for production of seductive dressings in Jesus name.
7. Father, we bind and cast spirits of immorality, seduction, LGBT out of your Church in Jesus name. Eze 3:16-26
8. Father, destroy every demonic power initiating innocent people using marine clothes, jewelries, perfumes, tattoos and ornaments in the name of Jesus. Lev 19:28
9. Father, we come against every power using indecent dressing to lure your children into sin in Jesus name.
10. Father, give us the grace to offer our body a living, holy and acceptable unto you in Jesus name. Rom 12:1-2
11. Father, give us the grace to train up our children to always dress properly. Pro 28:6
12. Father, help us not to fulfill the lust of the flesh in Jesus name. Romans 13:14, 1 Pet 2:11
13. Father, restore families already torn apart as a result of indecent dressing and seduction in Jesus name.
14. Father, deliver your church from the grip of indecent dressing in Jesus name. 1 The 2:9
15. Father, we come against spirit of Jezebel and Delilah that have shaved the hairs of our youths spiritually. Jud 16:15-17
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 28 – February 7, 2025
BIBLE TEXT(S) John. 14:27, Josh. 21:44
INTRODUCTION: Peace is a state of quietness, an absence of violence and war. We need to pray for the peace of God to have its way in our lives, homes, families and nations.
1. Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psalm 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
2. Father, we thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
3. Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and our hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
4. Father we give you thanks for the peace we are enjoin in our nation.
5. Thank you for restraining the devil from having it way in our nation.
6. Father in the name of Jesus Christ send unto us peace like a river in all our homes families, and Nations Isa 48:18
7. Father all the days of our national lives, please give us your covenant of peace, Isa 54:10, Isa 25:12
8. Father multiply your peace in our nation in Jesus name. Jude 1:2, 2Peter 1:2
9. Father, we ask that the Prince of Peace will reign in our nation in Jesus name. Col 3:15
10. Father please let your peace rule in all the Nations of the world in the name of Jesus Isa 9:6
11. Father, reconcile By the blood of Jesus Christ us unto your everlasting Kingdom in the name of Jesus
12. Father let your peace be found within my walls and prosperity within my palace in the name of Jesus Psalm 122:7
13. Father send your peace into our hearts and minds of your children in our nation through in Jesus’ name, Phil. 4:7
14.Father please give us peace all around Num. 6:26
15. Father, release the grace to pursue peace upon our national, political, community and religious leaders in Jesus’ name.
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 27 – February 6, 2025
BIBLE TEXT(S) DEUT. 4:9, MATT.28:20, JOHN 14:26, 1 JOHN 2:27.
INTRODUCTION: God himself is the author of education. Researching and imparting knowledge is the bedrock of any development in our nation.
However, the knowledge and the method of impartation must be relevant to current challenges and instill the fear of God. We need to intercede for many governments using the instrument of their educational system to take Christ away from the minds of our children and teens
1. Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psalm 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
2. Father, we thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
3. Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and our hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
4. Father we thank you for you mercy that endures forever over our upcoming generation.
5. Father, we thank you because your spirit is the greatest teacher. John 14:26
6. Father, cause a revolution in my nation’s educational system that will instil knowledge, fear of God in our children in Jesus’ name. Psa 111:10
7. Father, let an end come to all forms of malpractices the admission process in my nation in Jesus Name.
8. Father, expose all exam malpractices and their perpetrators in all our nation’s in Jesus Name.
9. Father, inspires the ministry or department in charge of education to restructure our curriculum to meet the current challenges globally in Jesus Name.
10. Father, let every ungodly belief or practice in educational curriculum globally be removed in Jesus Name.
11. Father, you created all men, let our growth in science and knowledge build love towards one another, your fear in the youths in Jesus Name. Pro 22:6
12. Father let our educational systems globally promote the acknowledgement of your supremacy in Jesus Name.
13. Father, let basic education be free in our nation so that all children will have access to minimum education in Jesus’ Name.
14. Father, let godly morals be embedded into our curriculum globally in Jesus Name.
15. Father, please let there be rapid growth in the discovery and development of constructive equipment rather than destructive weapons in Jesus Name.
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 25 – February 4, 2025
Mental Health Issues
BIBLE TEXT(S) Psalms 55:22, 1Peter 5:7
In our nation, many are becoming victims of depression particularly the youths’ as frustrations are daily becoming issues due to mounting economic and social pressures. As a result, there is increasing mental health challenges. The only solutions is in Christ. We need prayers that many will come to the knowledge of Christ in their predicaments.
1. Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me, Bless His Holy name. Psalm 103:1. Let us worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness
2. Father, we thank You for the grace of triumphant entry into the New Year 2025
3. Father, we thank You for being our help in ages past; for all the mercies and blessings and our hope for this new year 2025. Lam 3:22-23
4. Father, thank you for your promises to terminate every spirit of depression in Jesus name. Isa. 41:10
5. Father, please deliver youths in our nation from the spirit of depression in Jesus name Ps. 42:11,
6. Father, let every forces of retardation and retrogression that causes depression in our nation be destroyed in Jesus name Gen 42:38, 44:29
7. Father, terminate fear and depression in all aspects of our family and national life in Jesus name. Deut. 31:8, 2 Tim 1:7
8. Father, you are the shield and the lifter up of all head, we decree depression out of our nation in Jesus name Ps. 3:3.
9. Father, by the power of resurrection, we overcome every spirit behind depression in our nation in Jesus name. Ps. 42:11.
10. Father, may all our youths come to the saving knowledge of Christ in our nation in the name of Jesus. 1 John 3:8
11. Father, guide our national leaders alright to make policies that will meaningfully engage our youths in Jesus Name. Pro 21:1-3
12. Father, we come against demons responsible for depression and suicide in our nation in Jesus’ name 1 John 4:4.
13. Father, abide in our nation as a mighty terrible one, to defeat spirit depression and suicide in Jesus’ Name Jer. 20:11.
14. Father, deliver as many that have been captured by the spirit of depression in our nation. Heal them in Jesus’ name
15. Father, have mercy on Nigeria and every nation of the world inJesus’ name
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 25 – February 4, 2025
BIBLE TEXT: Psa. 30:1-5.
INTRODUCTION: Joy cometh in the morning is a statement of assurance and also a prophecy. No matter the storm we went through in this nation last year, things will transform for the better this year 2025. We know that no matter how thick the night may appear to be, it cannot prevent the morning from appearing.
1. Father, thank you for your grace and mercy that enable us to survive year 2024 despite all unpredictable storms in Jesus name. Lam. 3:22-23.
2. Father, thank you for the miraculous way you sustained us in this nation throughout 2024 in Jesus name.
3. Father, thank you for your good plan for every one of us in this nation for this year in Jesus name. Jer. 29:11.
4. Father, you are a merciful God, have mercy on us and forgive us the sins of this nation in Jesus name. Dan. 9:9.
5. Father, have mercy and forgive us all the sins of our past leaders of this nation in Jesus name.
6. Father, we commit all our leaders unto your able hand, help them to implement all the positive reforms they have highlighted for this year in Jesus name.
7. Father, you are the only God that rules in the affair of men, take over all the good plan of our government and help us implement them all by yourself in Jesus name. Dan.4:17.
8. Father, in your own supernatural way, guide our leaders to implement policies that will bring hope and joy to us in this nation in Jesus name. Psa. 30:5.
9. Father, as you did at the gate of Samaria in the days of Elisha, this year let there be a positive divine turnaround in Jesus name. 1kings. 7:1.
10. Father, in your own supernatural way, let every lack turn to abundance for us in this nation in Jesus name. 1ki 17:14-15.
11. Father, in your own supernatural way, let the new thing you promised us in this nation begin to manifest now in Jesus name. Isa.43:19.
12. Father, according to your word, let rivers begin to flow into our desert now in Jesus name. Isa. 43:19.
13. Father, help our nation to revive all our industries that have closed down due bad policies of our leaders in Jesus name. Psa. 85:6
14. Father, in your own supernatural way, give us in this nation a new orientation to be patriotic in all our dealings in Jesus name.
15. Father, you promised us landmark discoveries, let our nation experience landmark discoveries in science and technology in Jesus name. Deu 28:12.
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 24 – February 3, 2025
TEXT: Gen. 37:15 -18, Jer. 10:23, Isai. 55:8-13
INTRODUCTION: For any nation to reach the peak of his destiny there is need for the guidance of the Almighty God. However, when God guide, we must trust Him enough that all things will work for our good.
1. Father thank for your hand that is mighty upon our nation to this day in Jesus name. Psa. 24:8.
2. Father thank you for ordering the steps of our leaders into the right paths of destiny fulfilment in Jesus name. Psa. 37:23
3. Father, in whatever way we have missed our direction as a nation, by your mercy, help us to retrace our steps to the right path in Jesus name. Mat. 2:9
4. Father. Without you we can do nothing, please guide our steps in the journey of this life as a nation in Jesus name. Psa. 119:133.
5. Father, give us as a nation the right attitude to handle trials coming our ways not to lose focus on your ultimate plan for our greatness that follows in Jesus name. Job. 8:7
6. Father, help us in all our decisions as a nation to depend on your counsel in Jesus name. Pro. 19:21
7. Father; the meek you will guide in judgment: and the meek you will teach your way. Please give our leaders a humble and a teachable heart in Jesus name. Psa. 25:9
8. Father: help our leaders to acknowledge You in all their ways, to trust you with all their heart, and don’t let them rely on their own understanding in Jesus name. Pro 3:5
9. Father, let our leaders trust in You to make straight their paths in the discharge of their duty in Jesus name. Pro 3:6
10. Father; lead our leaders in the path of righteousness for your name sake in Jesus name. Psa. 23:2
11. Father, search our leaders, try them and see if there be any wickedness found in them and cleanse them in Jesus name Psa. 139:24
12. Father, you are the God of our salvation; In You we wait all the day in Jesus name. Psa. 25:4-5
13. Father, we want to see and experience your glory in our nation again as you revealed yourself to Moses in Jesus name. Exo. 19:11
14. Father, release afresh on our leaders the power to keep your word in their heart not to sin in Jesus name. Psa. 119:11
15. Father, guide every one of us by the light of your word in all our ways in Jesus name. Psa. 119: 105
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 23 – February 2, 2025
BIBLE TEXT: Psa. 133:1-3, Heb. 13:1, Gen. 11:4-5, Joh 17:21, Mat 12:25
INTRODUCTION: For any nation to develop technologically, economically, socially and politically, its citizens must be united in the formulation and implementation of all policies and programs. All citizens must see each other as one with a common goal of making the nation greater. To achieve this purpose, serious prayer is needed and as we pray, the Almighty God will intervene and make our nation great again.
1. Father, we thank you for your love and faithfulness towards our nation in Jesus name. Psa. 92:1
2. Father, we thank you for all the breakthroughs of the past in Jesus name. Psa. 90:4.
3. Father, thank you for making this nation to survive the civil war of the past years in Jesus name. Psa. 46:9
4. Father, thank you for not allowing all the insurgencies this nation has been passing through lead to another civil war in Jesus name. Psa. 46:9
5. Father, we repent of all our sins of strife, enmity, un-forgiveness, bitterness, resentment please have mercy and forgive our nation in Jesus name. Psa. 86:3
6. Father, release your warring angel to break down every tribal and religious wall dividing us as citizens of this nation in Jesus name. Eph. 2:14
7. Father, paralyze every power of disunity in our nation and let your spirit bind us together in Jesus name Eph 4:13
8. Father, every tribal gate of disunity militating against us in this nation, let them collapse in Jesus name 1Co 3:4
9. Father, by your mercy destroy the stronghold of disunity and divisions in this nation in Jesus name. 2Co. 10:4
10. Father please let there be unity, love and oneness in our nation in Jesus name. Psa. 133:1
11. Father, by your mercy, let all the citizens of this nation speak with one voice always in Jesus name Act 2:1
12. Father, every arrow of disunity fired against the oneness of this nation from the pit of hell, back to your sender in Jesus name. Psa 37:15.
13. 14. 15. Father, let all Political gang up against the unity and oneness of this nation be frustrated in Jesus name. Isa 54:15
Father, every anti-progress law, regulation, policy and agenda against our nation, be destroyed fire in Jesus name. Isa 54:17
Father, by your mercy, make our nation great again in Jesus name. Hag. 2:9.
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 22 – February 1, 2025
BIBLE TEXT: Oba 17, Joe 2:32. Isa 49:24-26
INTRODUCTION: Deliverance is to be saved from a power or situation that you cannot control. To be set free from captivity by a stronger power or being. Jesus came to deliver us from sin, the major cause of captivity.
1. Father, thank you because all genuine deliverance comes from you in Jesus name. Psa. 54:7
2. Father, thank you because you have delivered us from the power of sin through Jesus Christ our LORD in Jesus name. Hos. 13:14
3. Father, thank you for delivering the souls of our nation from death and our eyes from tears in Jesus name.
4. Father, by the blood of Jesus, deliver our nation completely from the power of failure in Jesus name.
5. Father, deliver our nation from the power programmed to limit our progress in life in the mighty name of Jesus.
6. Because Jesus died for our nation, we are delivered from any generational curse in Jesus name,
7. By redemption through Jesus, our nation is delivered from the curse of poverty in the mighty name of Jesus. Gal 3:13 -14
8. By the stripe of Jesus, our nation is delivered from all forms of sickness in Jesus name.
9. Father, deliver the youth of our nation from the power of drug abuse in the mighty name of Jesus.
10. Father, in your mercy, deliver the whole world from power sponsoring drug addiction in Jesus name.
11. Father, by your mercy, deliver this generation and the upcoming one from sin of fornication and adultery in Jesus name. Exo. 20:14
12. Father, by your finger, deliver this generation and the upcoming one from all forms of sexual pervasion in Jesus name.
13. Father, deliver my country from corruption in Jesus name.
14. Father, by your finger, deliver the youth all over the world from the trap of been used as tool for terrorism in Jesus name.
15. Father, expose the powers behind kidnapping in my country and deliver their captives in Jesus name.
RCCG Fasting and Prayer DAY 21 – January 31, 2025
TEXT: Pro. 10:15, 5:6-11, Deu. 11:14-15, 2Co 8:2,9, Rev 2:9
INTRODUCTION: Poverty is the state of being poor. Poverty exist when people lack the means to satisfy their basic needs. Poverty is a spirit, it’s in our midst. It is not a destiny for any child of God. It has remedies in Christ redemption.
1. Father, thank you for daily provisions for all the citizens of my nation in Jesus name. Psa. 103:5
2. Father, thank you for becoming poor that we may be rich in Jesus name. 2Co 8:9
3. Father, thank you for supplying all our needs according to your riches in glory in Jesus name. Phi 4:19
4. Father, every power sponsoring poverty in our nation be rooted by the fire of Holy Ghost. Mat 15:13
5. Father, every garment of poverty in my life catch fire in Jesus name. Zech. 3:3
6. Father in the name of Jesus Christ I come against the spirit of poverty in my life by the fire of Holy Ghost
7. Oh Lord arise and deliver me and my family from poverty by the fire of Holy Ghost
8. Father, restore to me my financial Glory in Jesus Name
9. Root of poverty in my foundation be uprooted and wither by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name
10. In the name of Jesus Christ oh Lord destroy by the fire of Holy Ghost every weapon of poverty fired against my life in Jesus name. Isai. 54:17
11. Father, let all satanic priest ministering poverty into my life die by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name. 1ki 18:40
12. Altar of poverty in my place of birth speaking against me, scatter by the fire of Holy Ghost in Jesus name. Jud 6:25
13. Father, break the evil door standing between me and my prosperity in Jesus name. Eph. 2:14
14. Father, please change my story from lack to abundance in Jesus name
15. Father, please by your speed, open the door of my financial break through to me now in Jesus name. Isa 22:22.